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Experiment 1

For my first experiment, I designed a trifold pamphlet about Skeet Shooting

  "For my first experiment, I am going to make a trifold pamphlet on the proper rules and regulations of owning and shooting a firearm with proper ear and eye protection and/or skeet shooting.  These pamphlets can be placed on a table or bulletin board at the ranges that I go to. These pamphlets also could be a safety procedure pamphlet kept in schools or even put in places where people could need assistance in making safe choices around firearms.  The composition of the pamphlet relies heavily on the audience I want to target."



Gun Safety Pamphlet

A trifold pamphlet on the proper rules and regulations of owning and shooting a firearm with proper ear and eye protection

This could include another pamphlet on proper form for different sports (prone, kneeling, standing for riflery; skeet stance; handgun close range; etc.)

"For pamphlets in general, I noticed that they tend to be anything from how to assemble IKEA furniture to what to do when there’s an emergency on a flight.  These instructional pamphlets all contain several images to aid the reader. I want to use a few images that would guide the reader to a better understanding of what I want to discuss.  Also, pamphlets really limit the amount of text that can be used. I need to be careful and make word choices to maximize the amount of information without having lengthy paragraphs."

Genre Analysis




    I actually had fun working on this experiment, however, I think this pamphlet is a little underwhelming.  I want to capture my personal experiences but this pamphlet was purely informational. It isn’t a bad thing; just not what I was trying to do.  I believe I can build upon this pamphlet in future experiments that tie in my life and identity as a girl in shooting sports.

    I think my biggest challenge when I was working on my experiment was what I wanted to make the focus of each pamphlet.  This impacted my struggle with figuring out the audiences for the pamphlets. I couldn’t determine if I wanted to make one for non-shooters that explains all of the terms and lingo used in the firearm community or one for shooters that know all of the words.  

    I am a little disappointed with how this experiment turned out.  I am glad that I can use this experience to make even better experiments.  I believe this experiment also gave me a better idea of what I want to do, so I’m happy this experiment helped me figure that out.

This way to Experiment #2!

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