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Experiment 2


 "In my second experiment, I am going to do a photo essay/timeline about my life growing up in shooting sports.  I want to focus this experiment on this overarching theme of identity. I am going to use many photos (and maybe some videos) throughout the years with a little (or a long) blurb underneath about that day or time in my life.  

It took me a while to realize that my “normal” childhood wasn’t actually the normal.  I thought every kid went to the range with their family on weekends to shoot. We would go every Sunday while people were in church so the range would be a little emptier than usual.  We called it our 'church'."


Genre Analysis

"One of the first things that popped up when I searched “photo essay” into Google was “17 Cool Photo Essay Examples and Ideas”. The list seemed like an instruction manual.  It had ideas for what or where to take photos for a photo essay; how to capture good pictures; how to choose which pictures to use when writing about specific things; etc. Photo essays are very impactful if they are done well, and I hope to achieve that in this experiment."


"I want to have some sort of timeline or way of organizing the photos with little blurbs underneath them.  I think a collection of them separated from my introduction and disclaimer would be the most practical. Each photo will have a date; description of who is in the picture; what I am shooting; the type of sport; possibly the score of the day, and a little anecdote from each experience.  My mother makes facebook posts every once in a while when we go to the range, so I will be drawing information from her account about specifics and if she has any significant memories from each trip. I want the last photo of the collection to be a picture of my family at the range with a slightly longer blurb of words underneath it to tie in how shooting sports have shaped my life and are a significant part of my identity.  I am considering separating the last photo from the rest of the collection to give it more significance and a sense of finality."

"I want to have some sort of timeline or way of organizing the photos with little blurbs underneath them.  I think a collection of them separated from my introduction and disclaimer would be the most practical. Each photo will have a date; description of who is in the picture; what I am shooting; the type of sport; possibly the score of the day, and a little anecdote from each experience.  My mother makes facebook posts every once in a while when we go to the range, so I will be drawing information from her account about specifics and if she has any significant memories from each trip. I want the last photo of the collection to be a picture of my family at the range with a slightly longer blurb of words underneath it to tie in how shooting sports have shaped my life and are a significant part of my identity.  I am considering separating the last photo from the rest of the collection to give it more significance and a sense of finality."




"After certain events and my sudden realization that what I am working on is going to be posted online and can be viewed by everyone, I want to focus my project more on a theme of  “identity” than shooting sports itself. In doing so, I plan on changing my third experiment to focus on something other than shooting sports. I think this change of direction is possible and I think it can achieve a better sense of what I originally wanted to do when I started Experiment 1.  

Despite my fear of the public seeing my experiments, I thoroughly enjoyed working on Experiment 2.  This experiment required me to dig through old pictures and go on a nostalgia trip. I think including the disclaimer and starting out with a list of terms and definitions for the lingo is a little choppy with the rest of this piece."


This way to Experiment #3!

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